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Systemic Reform Solutions

A Worldwide Social Economic Initiative

Together we can right the world


Strategic Plan

Systemic Reform Movement

  1. A holistic social, economic, and political solution.
  2. Logical standards and processes for the fair creation and equitable distribution of money.
  3. Constructive outcome based technological and automation systems and processes to deter corruption and human rights abuses -- the root causes of poverty and war.

Support planning and development

The Party

Social Economic Reform

  1. Peaceful reformation of unjust laws, policies, and exploitive economic and social legislation.
  2. Drafting and enactment of legislation and policy that result in constructive effects.
  3. Local and global initiatives that support human rights and needs procurement.

Become an Alliance Member. Help to enact the Legislation to right our world and to guide us into the future.

Our Foundation

Constuctive Actions and Effects

  1. Unify believers in truth, justice, human rights, and God (regardless of nationality, race, gender or religious designation)
  2. The advancement and ascendance of mankind.
  3. Constructive belief-action alignment foundation.

Learn about the sacred teachings that can help unite our world (Atheists, Christians, Jewish, Muslims, and other faiths).

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Interactive System Models

Systems Integration

Willit Monetary System

Currency Conversion

International Debt Reconciliation

Local Debt Reconciliation

Resource Usage Efficiency Standards Calculator

National & Global Exchanges

Student Compensation

Leadership Assessment



Monday - Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm CST


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Together, we will right the world

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